Guidelines Suitable for Parents with New Drivers

Having children that have reached driving is a source of parental stress to parents. Children long for independence that comes with the acquisition of a driving license when they are of age. However, parents get worried about the dangers associated with driving, such as accidents and car hijacking while on the road. Parents also get concerned about their children getting committed to simple driving rules and arriving home with a scratch-free car. For more information visit geography homework help.

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Take your teenager to driving school

Taking time to teach your teenager how to drive can be a source of anxiety and stress for both of you. Therefore, consider enrolling your child in driving school for driving training from professional drivers.


Offer enough supervised driving practice

After completing the formal driving school training, consider offering your teenager up to 70 hours of supervised driving practice to enhance their confidence. At a glance, 70 hours look overwhelming, but you must achieve it.


Consider practicing with different roads

It is always safe to learn how to drive on sunny and bright days. However, to be a prolific driver, your teenage child should learn how to navigate less optimal situations. Ensure that your child driving lessons cover practice driving in ice and rainy situations.


Let your child sign up for a safe driving agreement

Draft a safe driving agreement with your child and encourage them to abide by the agreement at all times for safe driving. In the agreement, make sure you include the following issues driving under the influence of narcotics or alcohol, driving with adults, and driving on rough highways or at night.


Track the progress of your child with the help of an App 

The market is full of devices you can install in the car to monitor your teenage child’s progress. However, the best ones are smartphones Apps that monitor driving behavior. These Apps send you a text message when your child arrives at his or her destination.


In the beginning, start slowly

You should begin slowly with your teenage child. For example, allow them to drive when visiting a neighborhood friend or buy groceries from the nearest supermarket. With time as they learn to observe rules, you can add more distance.


Select a suitable car

When selecting a suitable vehicle for your teenage child, driving experience does not need a large luxury vehicle designed for large families. Remember that cars with small engine sizes consume relatively less fuel, attracting less for insurance premiums.


Inspect your teenage child’s car frequently 

Check your adolescent child’s car instruments panels, body, and tires frequently, even if you have shown them what to check, this is because they often miss checking the details. Regular inspection helps you to remind them of the best driving experience, and you get to track their progress.


Prepare them for emergencies

Teach your teenage children how to behave in case of emergencies like accidents. In the event of an accident, adolescent drivers often panic, therefore prepare them psychologically and emotionally to know how to handle the circumstances.


In case of accidents to do overreact

Regardless of driving experience, accidents occur, and that is the reason we ensure our vehicles. Teenagers owing their age and state of mind will make mistakes from time to time, and it is part of learning, therefore, in such a scenario to get upset.